On our website, you will find various exercises and examples of dialogues designed to prepare for the speaking part of the B1 level exam (Sprechen). These materials will help you develop communication skills in the German language, including the ability to engage in conversations, express opinions, and respond to questions. We provide practical tasks aimed at increasing confidence in speaking and enhancing communication skills at the B1 level.

Example of an exercise for exam preparation B1 Sprechen

Ein Mann, der eine Gitarre spielt

Sie haben in einer Zeitschrift ein Foto gefunden. Berichten Sie Ihrer Gesprächspartnerin oder Ihrem Gesprächspartner kurz:

– Was sehen Sie auf dem Foto?
– Was für eine Situation zeigt dieses Bild?

Erzählen Sie bitte: Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie damit?

Auf dem Bild sehen wir eine Gruppe von Menschen, die auf einem Sofa sitzen. Sie sind etwa gleich alt und tragen unterschiedliche Kleidung. In der Mitte des Sofas sitzt ein Mann, der eine Gitarre spielt. Die anderen Personen auf dem Sofa singen und lächeln.

Die auf dem Bild dargestellte Situation ist ein gemütliches Beisammensein. Bei den Personen auf dem Sofa handelt es sich um Freunde oder Familienmitglieder, die zusammengekommen sind, um Musik zu hören und zu singen. Sie genießen es, Zeit miteinander zu verbringen und die gute Stimmung zu genießen.

Ich selbst habe viele positive Erfahrungen mit Musikunterricht gemacht. Als Kind lernte ich Klavier und Gitarre spielen. Musik ist für mich eine wichtige Möglichkeit, mich auszudrücken und meine Kreativität zu entwickeln. Außerdem ist sie eine gute Möglichkeit, mit anderen Menschen in Kontakt zu kommen und neue Freunde zu finden.

In meinem Heimatland ist Musik eine sehr beliebte Freizeitbeschäftigung. Es gibt viele Musikschulen und Musikclubs, in denen Menschen aller Altersgruppen Musik lernen und spielen können. Musik ist auch ein wichtiger Bestandteil jeder Kultur. In jeder Kultur gibt es viele traditionelle Musikinstrumente.

Ich denke, das Foto vermittelt eine großartige Botschaft. Es zeigt, dass Musik eine verbindende Kraft ist, die Menschen aller Altersgruppen und Kulturen zusammenbringt.

Preparing for the Speaking Section of the B1 German Exam

The B1 German exam evaluates your proficiency in using the German language in everyday situations. The speaking segment of the B1 German exam comprises two tasks:

  • Task 1: Deliver a brief presentation
  • Task 2: Engage in a conversation

To successfully complete the B1 German exam speaking section, a minimum score of 30 out of 60 points is required.

Steps for Getting Ready for the B1 German Exam Speaking Section

To get ready for the B1 German exam speaking section, you should:

  • Enhance your vocabulary and grammar skills. Proficiency in vocabulary and grammar forms the basis for effective communication. The more words and grammatical structures you know, the more comfortably you can express yourself in German.
  • Engage in spoken German practice. Regular practice in speaking German is among the most effective ways to enhance your speaking skills. The more you practice, the more adept you become at comprehending and utilizing the German language.
  • Acquire speaking strategies. There are various strategies to improve your speaking effectiveness. For instance:
    • Plan your thoughts before initiating speech.
    • Speak distinctly and at a moderate pace.
    • Utilize gestures and facial expressions to aid communication.

Tasks in the B1 German Exam Speaking Section

Task 1: Deliver a Brief Presentation

In this task, you will be required to present briefly on a given topic, which may pertain to culture, politics, society, or science.

Consider these tips for delivering a successful presentation in the B1 German exam:

  • Thoroughly prepare your presentation. Ensure you comprehend the topic and possess enough information to fill the allocated time.
  • Rehearse your presentation multiple times. This enhances your familiarity with the content and improves your delivery.
  • Speak clearly and confidently. Ensure the examiner can comprehend your speech.
  • Utilize gestures and facial expressions to facilitate communication. This engages the examiner and adds interest to your presentation.
Task 2: Engage in a Conversation

In this task, you will be asked to participate in a conversation with a native German speaker, covering topics such as personal life, hobbies, or current events.

Consider these tips for participating effectively in a conversation during the B1 German exam:

  • Listen attentively to your conversation partner. This aids in understanding the conversation topic and responding appropriately.
  • Pose questions to sustain the conversation. Demonstrating engagement and interest in the conversation is crucial.
  • Express your opinions and ideas clearly. This showcases your ability to use German effectively.

Additional Tips for Preparing for the B1 German Exam Speaking Section

Additional tips to aid in preparing for the B1 German Exam Speaking Section include:

  • Commence preparation early. Early preparation provides ample time for practice and skill improvement.
  • Establish a study schedule and adhere to it. Having a structured plan ensures coverage of all necessary material.
  • Seek assistance when needed. If you encounter challenges with a specific topic, do not hesitate to ask friends, family, or tutors for help.
  • Learn from your errors. Pay attention to mistakes made during practice tests and ensure you learn from them.


Preparation for the B1 German Exam Speaking Section demands time and dedication, but success is achievable with consistency and appropriate resources. By following the guidelines in this article, you can enhance your prospects of success in the exam.